
My name is Steve del Rosario. I am the founder of Career Insight, a real-time online tool aimed at supporting jobseekers and employers to identify, empathise and connect with each other. I deal with aspiration matters. My vision for Career Insight was to create an interactive space that people could relate to, refer to and recommend ideas and suggestions to be viewed by people in similar situations all around the world. I have finally done this and I am very proud to share this vision with everyone.

I have deliberately chosen not to make myself anonymous. I want to be responsible for my opinions and ideas and to ensure that people identify and recognise I am a real, genuine voice and face. As a “Careeralist” I want to be “responsible” and “responsive” to what people need. I don’t want to hide behind a faceless website filled with lots of sensational claims or ideas about how to get a job quickly. To be honest, there isn’t a quick fix solution to getting a job immediately. If there was, I wouldn’t be needed by those that rely on my career coaching and mentoring.

Let’s face it, finding and landing suitable employment is getting harder every day. As more and more uncertainty and competition manifests itself in the market, I want my clients to have a platform they can use to be heard. At the same time, despite my experience and expertise, I don’t profess to know everything. This is really the beauty of the website as there is a platform to also share innovative ideas and suggestions so people can help other people. I may not know everything but I certainly know lots of things that achieve results.

To date, Career Insight has helped 10, 756 clients and counting (since 2004). At the end of the day that’s why my clients choose to listen to me. I hope to use this site to share proven ideas and suggestions so I can help people anywhere and anytime- client or no client there are practical and innovative solutions that suit every type of jobseeker.

From an employer perspective, I have created this website to help support employers identify, harness and retain the talent they have recruited for their organisations. In today’s competitive market where there seems to be a lot of emphasis on meeting Quality Assurance standards- for example having the appropriate qualifications, licences or certifications, it is critical to have a partner on the ground who can decipher what they actually mean and ultimately what they are worth to the business. This is especially the case with so many people emigrating from other countries- employers want to understand their tangible and intangible value.

On the other end of the spectrum, it is also important for employers not to forget about those who don’t have the paperwork but have the experience or potential to still represent a great investment. Ultimately, it comes down to what type of risk an organisation wants to take on, which to jobseekers everywhere is the number one rule I want them to start remembering and practising- what type of risk or investment do I represent to an employer? This is the most important question in an interview.

Ultimately, as The Careeralist, I hope to improve dialogue and understanding between employers and jobseekers. The truth is “aspiration matters to both sides.” Thus, through this website I hope to achieve greater employment opportunities for jobseekers and better retention and productivity for employers: the ultimate win-win for all parties.



1 Comment

  • Reply May 11, 2014

    Steve del Rosario

    Please feel free to subscribe to the newsletter or follow me on social media. This website is dedicated to every jobseeker whose dream is to find a job they aspire to. #AspirationMatters

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